shed weightAs I look out my window at about a foot of snow, it’s hard to believe that spring began just a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure if Punxsutawney Phil actually saw his shadow or not, but we certainly didn’t see an early spring here in the Midwest. I’m glad I didn’t put away the snow blower just yet.

At this time of year, we start preparing for the coming of spring in terms of spring cleaning, and that can mean to shed weight…clutter weight. Changing our wardrobes from cold winter weather to warmer spring weather can jump start us into tackling closets, dresser drawers and any other places you store clothes as part of spring cleaning.

For some reason, and I don’t know why, it seems that my clothes multiply over the winter months. Not just in my closet but also in my dresser drawers. Because of this it seems that my storage is taking on a tremendous weight that drags me down, it’s a heaviness I feel every time I open a drawer or closet door so it’s time to shed weight.

Changing out wardrobes isn’t something I look forward to doing, but it does have a cleansing effect. When I change out seasonal wardrobes, I try on clothes to see if they still fit, or if I still like the way they look on me, or if they are still in style. If the answer to any of these questions is no, then they gotta go!

As a result of just this one thing, reducing my wardrobe, I feel lighter and refreshed. And if I’ve gained a few pounds over the winter months, which is usually the case, it encourages me to watch what I eat and spend some more time on exercising, which causes me to shed some body weight. It’s a win win for every one or everything all the way around!