landing padWhat do you do with your things when you walk in the door? Do they end up on the counter, the floor, or wherever you stop when you come in the house? If that’s the case, I bet it makes it difficult to get out the door on time if you can’t remember where you put your purse or your keys, or that item you need to return. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a place to put your things when you come in, so you know where to pick them up again on the way out the door? Professional organizers call this special place a landing/launching pad. It’s an effective time management strategy to enhance your morning routine.

This special place is typically located right inside the entrance to your home. If you come in through the garage and have a mud room or similar type of room, that is a great place to create a landing/launching pad. It could also be in the foyer or entryway to your front door. Any place right inside, or near to an entry door to your home.

Conversely, this place also works well for items you need to take with you when you leave the house. Returns to the store or outgoing mail, as well as items you need to take to work or school could be placed in this space to grab as you walk out the door. Read on to learn how to create an effective landing/launching pad just for you and your family.

Determine where to setup your landing/launching pad

As suggested above, the best place is right inside or near to the door you typically come and go from your house. After you decide on the location, look at the space you have to work with in terms of wall and floor space. Take some measurements and include space to move around. This will help to determine effective solutions within the designated space.

Determine requirements

Answer the following questions to determine your specific needs for this space. Then use the tips below to setup your space to work effectively for you and your family.

• Who besides yourself will use the landing/launching pad?

• What items will family members bring in to your house on a regular basis?

• Do you need a place to hang a leash to walk the dog?

• Do you need a solution for coats, shoes/boots, and winter wear accessories?

• Do you need a reminder board for you and/or your child’s activities or papers to sign and return to school?


• Hooks, hooks, hooks! They are so versatile and can be used to hang almost anything.

• A foyer table with a decorative dish for keys works as well as hooks on a wall.

• If space is an issue, use the wall space to install a shelf or two and hooks for hanging keys, purses, backpacks, etc.

• You can also repurpose an old book shelf unit that you don’t use anymore. Use baskets, trays and of course hooks to keep everything in its place.

• Hall tree organizers are an aesthetically pleasing way to keep your foyer organized.

• For the little ones, hang hooks at their level for backpacks. Above each hook, install a small magnetic whiteboard to post reminders or to attach papers that need to be returned with a signature.

• Put labels on walls, baskets, trays, or other organizing items so there is no doubt where an item belongs.

• Click on this link to see the ideas listed above on my Simple Organized Solutions Pinterest board.