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13 Ways to be Proactive

By |2020-11-17T13:41:30-06:00May 9th, 2017|Categories: Home Organization, Reduce Stress|Tags: , , , |

  According to Merriam-Webster, being proactive means ‘to act in anticipation of future problems, needs or changes’.  They also define mitigate as follows, ‘make less severe or painful’.  These two words work in sync to help reduce the amount of stress in our lives. When you’re proactive, you mitigate the stress of being unprepared. Unfortunately, we can’t anticipate every problem, need or change that can happen in our lives.  However, when a situation comes up that triggers thoughts that make you think that you can be better prepared next time, act on that thought. The key to this line of [...]

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Misplaced Glasses

By |2020-11-17T13:41:30-06:00April 22nd, 2017|Categories: Decluttering, Focus, Home Organization, Reduce Stress|Tags: , , |

Anyone that wears glasses, has at some time, or many times, misplaced them.  Those that wear reading glasses only, may misplace them more than those that wear glasses all the time.  This probably occurs most often when we’re tired or distracted. When you’re tired, you don’t want to fall asleep with them on and risk damaging them, so you take them off and put them down.  You’re sleepy so you don’t really pay attention to what you’re doing when you set them down. The same thing happens when you’re distracted from a task that requires you to wear your glasses.  [...]

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Junk Drawers = Miscellaneous

By |2020-11-17T13:41:31-06:00December 21st, 2016|Categories: Home Organization, Kitchen, Organizing Tips, Storage|Tags: , , , , |

Junk drawers are equivalent to a box marked ‘miscellaneous’.  Organizers tend to shy away from those labels.  Why you ask?  Because it’s a catchall phrase that means that the items in the junk drawer or misc box have no assigned homes.  And we don’t actually know what is inside this junk drawer or misc box. We have to dig through said drawers or boxes to find what we are looking for. Another reason could be that these items have assigned homes, but because we are busy, it’s just quicker to stash it away in a nearby drawer than to put [...]

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Get Organized to Beat The Winter Blues!

By |2020-11-17T13:41:33-06:00January 10th, 2016|Categories: Home Organization, Reduce Stress|Tags: , , |

Here in the Midwest, the weather can get pretty ugly after the turn of the New Year.  The temps dip to well below freezing and we sometimes get a lot of snow, and dare I say it, ICE!  It actually looks pretty if you’re looking at it from inside a warm house, and you don’t have to go out.  The kids love it when it snows a lot. They wait in anticipation of seeing their school pop up on the list of closings on the early morning news. Whether we see milder temps or get blasted full force with winter [...]

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5 Tips to Keep Your Sanity For the Holidays

By |2020-11-17T13:41:34-06:00November 30th, 2015|Categories: Holiday Organization, Planning, Reduce Stress|Tags: , , |

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /   The holidays sometimes seem to creep up on us before we know it.  We have so much to do on a regular basis that we don’t always realize a holiday is quickly approaching.  I know that has happened to me more than once. Keeping our sanity during these times can be a challenge! So much to do and so little time! Things like figuring out gifts for everyone on our lists, cleaning, decorating, cooking, etc.  We want our holidays to be memorable and that can cause us to put more on ourselves [...]

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6 Self-care Tips to Prevent Burnout

By |2020-11-17T13:41:34-06:00November 11th, 2015|Categories: Planning, Reduce Stress, Time Management|Tags: , , |

Image courtesy of marcolm /   When we think of the term ‘burnout’, we typically think of it in terms of our jobs.  That makes sense since we spend so much of our lives earning a living.  Our jobs can demand a lot of us in terms of productivity, creativity and time, just to name a few.  Typically these demands come from others, although we have a hand in putting more on ourselves to excel in our careers. Burnout can also occur in our personal lives. There are factors in our lives that can contribute to burnout, such as [...]

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The Best Time Management Strategy – Doing One Thing at a Time

By |2021-05-03T17:57:27-05:00September 27th, 2015|Categories: Time Management|Tags: , , , |

Image courtesy of Master isolated images /   Productivity and time management are topics a lot of people are talking about these days. We are told to create goals, to-do lists, prioritize tasks, etc.  All of those are great ideas but realistically, how much can we get done in a day?  Is it possible that in our quest to achieve maximum productivity that we may be setting ourselves up for failure? Putting too much on ourselves adds to the stress of our lives. How many times have you created that task list for one day and prioritized those tasks, [...]

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What is a Digital Estate Plan?

By |2020-11-17T13:41:35-06:00April 15th, 2015|Categories: estate planning, Planning|Tags: , |

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / There’s a lot of talk in the organizing industry these days, about what happens with your online accounts after you pass away.  You may be asking yourself, ‘why do I care?’ After all, you’ll be gone so does it really matter?  The answer is, yes it does matter. Whether you’re active on social media, or just pay bills online, you have an online presence. When you have an online presence, you’re vulnerable to hackers - identity theft aficionados. They are ever vigilant to your online activities.  They can wreak havoc on the living [...]

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Girlfriends: The Best Therapy That Money Can’t Buy

By |2020-11-17T13:41:35-06:00March 18th, 2015|Categories: Reduce Stress|Tags: , |

Image courtesy of artur84 / The title really kind of says it all.  I don’t know what I would do without my girls!  We are therapy for one another.  The bond between my girlfriends is strong and we are always there when we’re needed. They are my sisters from another mother. We share the laughter as well as the pain in our lives. Life has a way of charging at us like a bull, full speed, with reckless abandon.  Sometimes it just doesn’t slow down, it keeps coming and coming. That’s when the stress of daily life becomes overwhelming. [...]

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What Makes You Happy?

By |2020-11-17T13:41:35-06:00March 4th, 2015|Categories: Reduce Stress|Tags: , , |

Image courtesy of sippakorn /  The word ‘happy’ is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as - “feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc.”  Everyone is different and will have their own ideas of what makes them happy.  And, everyone wants, and I hope, everyone strives for happiness. After all, it would be a pretty miserable existence if we aren’t happy at least some time in our lives. My very wise business coach, Melanie Yost, suggested that I create a bliss list to help me realize what makes me happy.  The word ‘bliss’ is defined in the [...]

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