Easter holiday‘Hoppin down the bunny trail…

My family gathers together for each holiday, and the next one up is the Easter holiday. It’s such a fun holiday! There is of course, the religious aspect, which is what the holiday is all about.

There is no connection that I could find, between the Easter Bunny and the Christian tradition of honoring the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

In my family, the celebration continues after church with dinner, and an Easter egg hunt for the little ones. At this time of year in the Midwest, the weather dictates where the egg hunt will be held. We like for it to be outdoors but if it’s raining, the eggs are hidden indoors.

There is much to do to prepare for this joyous occasion, inside and outside. As with planning all events, the sooner you (the host) begin the Easter holiday planning, the better. Keep it simple, and include as many of the participants as possible to eliminate overwhelm for you, the host.

There are two main components to address. The first step is to create a plan. The second step is to implement the plan. The lists below were created based on the things, and approximate timeframes I use when I host the Easter holiday. Use them to help you get started. And remember to count the eggs that you hide so that you know if all the eggs were found. If you don’t count them, I guarantee you will find them with the lawnmower!

If I missed something, or you have things that may be different than what you see on these lists, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Create Plan:

• Create the guest list

• Determine the menu

• Assign dishes to the participants

• Activities – Determine dinner time & how food will be served – buffet style works best for a large group; egg hunt – who brings filled eggs, who hides them, containers to gather eggs & where in the house to hide eggs if raining-plan B

• Shopping – Groceries, supplies & decorations if needed

• Decorate

• Clean the house

• Yard work

• Meal prep

• Setup – tables, chairs, & meal zones

Implement Plan:

• Create the guest list – At least 3 weeks prior to Easter Sunday

• Determine the menu – At least 2 weeks prior to Easter Sunday

• Assign dishes to the participants – As soon as you determine the menu & when you invite your guests; 2 weeks prior to Easter Sunday

• Activities – Easter Sunday

• Shopping – 1 week prior to Easter Sunday

• Decorate – 10 days prior to Easter Sunday

• Clean house – Over the 3 days prior to Easter Sunday

• Yard work – If possible, 2 weeks prior to Easter Sunday

• Meal prep – The day before, and morning of Easter Sunday, depending on the menu

• Setup tables, chairs, & meal zones – The day before, and morning of Easter Sunday