service callService providers generally give you a range of time to expect them on the date you schedule service.  Some provide a 4 hour window, others more or less depending on the provider.  As you schedule the service call have your calendar at hand to make the appointment work with your schedule. You may have to move things around or take time off from work to find a date and time that works for both parties.

Some service providers have requirements attached to the appointment. For example, they will call you prior to their arrival and if you don’t answer the phone, your service call may be cancelled.  The thought is that you forgot about the appointment and you aren’t home to receive the technician.  A lot of them will arrive in a marked vehicle and/or have some sort of identification for safety reasons. If they don’t, you should not allow them into your home.

On the scheduled day service becomes a waiting game. Depending on your level of patience, and the type of service, it may be difficult to wait for the technician to arrive. That 4 hour window could seem like forever if it’s 100 degrees outside and your air conditioner is not working!

Waiting for a service technician doesn’t mean that you can’t be productive during that time.  There are many tasks you can work on before and during your service call.  This could be a good time to catch up on some things you’ve been putting off for lack of time.  You may want to jot down some tasks ahead of time that you want to get done during your wait time.  The task suggestions below may get your creative juices flowing to help you make your list of tasks so you can be productive during your service call.

Task Suggestions:

  • Tasks that don’t require the malfunctioning device
  • Quiet tasks so you can hear your phone or technician’s arrival and when work is completed
  • Tasks that can be performed in your home
  • Small home cleaning/maintenance tasks
  • Computer work – see first bullet above
  • Schedule appointments
  • Pay bills
  • Balance checking account
  • Create grocery shopping list

What type of tasks do you get done during waiting time?