recommendationsHave you ever been in a pinch and needed recommendations for a good service provider? Most of us have our favorites that we use on a regular basis. This issue surfaces when one of our favorite service providers can no longer accommodate our needs, either short term or on a long-term basis.

Life happens. People retire, have health issues, businesses change their service areas or services, they move away or close their business for various reasons. Then it’s time to look for a new service provider to add to our list.

It can be a difficult task to find a replacement that you feel comfortable enough with to provide the level of service that you are accustomed to. That’s not to say that you won’t find a service provider that you like even better. It’s just the work and anxiety of vetting new prospects that may have you frazzled.

The best, and possibly the easiest way to find good service providers is to ask for recommendations from trusted family members and friends.  Ask them to share their experiences, good and bad for the type of service provider you need that they currently use, or have used in the past.

Some planning will help you find the best service provider to meet your requirements.  Create a list of recommendations for the type of service provider that you seek. Obviously, you want to stay away from those that were bad experiences, but put them on your list with a note so you don’t inadvertently contact them.

The vetting process will require some research. Even though you have recommendations, you want to perform due diligence to ensure you make an informed decision about the service provider that you choose.

The internet is a good resource to do research, or vet the recommendations received from family and friends.  The Better Business Bureau used to be the go-to resource to find a reputable service provider.  Now they’re considered old school and you may not be able to find the company that you’re looking for.

Social media platforms are bursting with online reviews that pack a powerful punch, and they are a quick way to learn about a particular company. That is, if their customers have provided online reviews, both good and bad.

A good way to look at these reviews is not only the good ones, but also at the responses from the company for those that are not so good. How the company handles those unhappy customers speaks volumes about the way they conduct business.

Hopefully this information will help you to find either a good new service provider, or a replacement to accommodate your needs.  The key is, as mentioned above, to get recommendations from those you trust and have had good experiences with the type of service provider that you need.